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Cittanupassana - буддийский метод "созерцания ума"

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Cittanupassana - буддийский метод "созерцания ума" Empty Cittanupassana - буддийский метод "созерцания ума"

Сообщение  Юрий Сб Дек 15, 2012 8:09 am

Суть метода по Bhikkhu Khemavamsa
см. также https://awakening.forum2x2.ru/t53-topic#113

1. Суть практики - непрерывное наблюдение сознания (ума)(реакций ума на объекты) - как в течение дня (в обычной жизни, в повседневных делах), так и во время формальной медитации
With daily activities watch the mind’s reactions to objects.

During the day use body movements and sensations as reference point-anchor, and observe the mind (mental impressions, states, reactions). When a powerful mental state appears turn your attention to it for as long as it takes. Deal with it until it clears, then return to your paying attention to your activity, until something appears in the mind again.
Например, если вы злитесь, но одновременно осознаете, что вы злитесь - вы практикуете правильно.
If you are aware of anger for example, that is looking at the state of the mind. That is also Cittanupassana. Cittanupassana is the watching of the mind.
В отличие от некотрых других буддийских традиций, в данном стиле медитации не используются мысленные отметки (labelling), любое перенаправление внимания делается без мысленного произнесения слов. или мысленного задавания вопросов типа "кто злится?"
Always remember that when we say ‘noting’ in this practice we mean wordlessly.
Labeling in this practice is not used at all.

Say that you are experiencing anger. Anything to do with that anger you observe it, whether is the feelings, your body sensations, your mental activity and sensations. Any of it, if you look at it, is called noting your anger.

But if you are repeating ‘anger’, ‘anger’, ‘anger’, to yourself, this is not called noting. Because now your mind is looking at the word ‘anger,’ and you are not thinking about what you are angry about anymore.

Others, (in the Mahayana tradition), when they feel anger they start asking: Who is angry? Who is the entity that is angry. And they forget all about anger and noting that anger!
2. Наблюдение сознание - это ощущение, а не "смотрение", не визуальный образ
So it is not so much to look but feel it and observe it like this. Pay attention to the feeling rather and not the place (where one imagines the mind to be).

Итак, нужно не столько смотреть, сколько чувствовать и наблюдать. Обращайте внимание скорее на чувство, а не на место (где мы вооображаем, что находится ум)
3. Чтобы достичь этого - не "идите" к объектам восприятия и не реагируйте на них. Наоборот, пусть объекты идут к вам. Какие бы ощущения тела или ума не возникали - наблюдайте их не вовлекаясь в них. Наблюдайте за умом, а не за объектами. Объекты наблюдения могут меняться - но осознанность наблюдения должна быть непрерывной.
In sitting meditation stay with that ‘which knows’ everything. Don’t try to go to objects. Let the objects come to you. Try not to react to objects. Whatever arises — greed, aversion, pain, itchiness, likes or dislikes etc. — watch with equanimity, without getting involved, without clinging to it.

In this practice your object is changing continuously, all the time, but awareness is continuous. No matter how fast objects arise and pass away, you can keep up with them.

As the mind goes to things observe the mind not the object. Move with the mind
not with the object.

Don’t fix your attention on the object of the knowing mind but look at what that mind knows next, as you let the objects come to the mind. The next moment might be a knowing of a sound, the moment after that a knowing of a rising of the abdomen, next moment a knowing of a sensation in the body or mind etc. Follow that trail of ‘knowings’, from moment to moment continuously and in a relaxed manner.
4. Наблюдайте объекты не прямо, а уголком глаза, без визуализации. Объект не имеет значения, поэтому не смотрите на него прямо. Фокусируйтесь на ощущениях. Если смотреть прямо, то ум будет визуализировать объект.
As the watching mind ‘looks’ directly at the noting mind, passing by objects are seen as if they are being looked by the corner of the eye — not directly. What it seems like is seeing it from the corner of your eye. Don’t look at it forcefully with open eyes!

The object is not important; don’t look at it directly. Although you look at the body you don’t see the body; you only look at the object; that is the sensations that you want to focus on. If you look at an object directly, the mind in order to know has to visualize the object and in visualizing, form always comes in.

5. Вначале наблюдать только ум сложно. Начнить с наблюдения ощущения тела (рекомендуется поместить ум в солнечное сплетение), и на 50% наблюдайте ощущения тела, а на 50% наблюдайте ум, постепенно переходя к 100% сосредоточению на уме.

6. Фокусируйте внимание и наблюдайте состояние ума без напряжения. Необходимо постоянно отслеживать не только сам ум, но и состояние ума (напряжен ли он, и т.д.). Если он напряжен - расслабьтесь немедленно.
Watch the quality of the mind as it goes to objects. If you see any kind of tension in the mind relax immediately.
Если раслаблен ум, то расслаблено и тело. Если в теле есть напряжение, то возможно оно есть и в уме. Поэтому наблюдайте напряжения в теле.
If the mind is really completely relaxed then the body will be relaxed too. If there is some tension in the body it means that the mind is not completely free of tension. That is why you have to continue to watch what you can watch, that is, the tension in the body.

Последний раз редактировалось: Юрий (Вс Дек 16, 2012 7:51 am), всего редактировалось 10 раз(а)


Сообщения : 323
Дата регистрации : 2012-08-18


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Cittanupassana - буддийский метод "созерцания ума" Empty Практика созерцания ума - указания

Сообщение  Юрий Сб Дек 15, 2012 8:28 am

1. Приложение усилий, чтобы медитировать.
When it seems to you that it is difficult or even impossible to meditate, that is the most important time for you to meditate.

Even when you are near death and you are overcome by exhaustion, the feeling of being overcome is just the feeling of being overcome, knowing it, is separate from the sensation.

When you think it’s impossible for you to meditate because your mind is crazy - that is the most important time for you to meditate.

Когда вам кажется, что медитировать трудно или даже невозможно, - это самый важный момент для вашей медитации.

Даже когда вы умираете и переполнены слабостью, - ощущение (чувство, feeling) слабости это просто ощущение, отделяйте его от сенсорного восприятия (ощущения, sensation)

2. Критерий правильности медитации.
If you hear something, just know there is hearing. If you know what sound it is you are hearing, this is not meditation. It’s only meditation when there are two minds: knowing-noting mind and observing mind. If there is only one mind, ‘I’ is always there. The object is not the dhamma, the dhamma is the mind, that is being aware.

Если вы что-то слышите, и знаете, что это за звук, - это не медитация. Медитация - когда вы не знаете, что вы слышите. Объектом медитации является ум, а не звук.
Knowing your wandering mind is Cittanupassana but on a very gross level.

Наблюдение скачущих мыслей - это медитация, но на очень грубом уровне.

3. Охрана дверей чувств.
When there is ‘hearing’ of something, keep your mind at the ear. You will know what it hears – no need to turn your attention out towards the object. Keep the mind at the ear and note what sensations arise at the ear.

4. Прежде чем пытаться достичь новых высот в практике, закрепите то, что вы уже достигли.
Don’t try to get higher and higher in the practice but first try to maintain what you got.

4. Формальная медитация на ходьбе.
The Buddha said that the samadhi you develop from walking meditation is much stronger than the samadhi that you develop from sitting meditation.

When you walk it is the sensation that should be the object of meditation. Not the seeing of the ‘lifting’ of the foot in the mind. How do you feel in the muscles? And also the mind, how do you feel in the mind?

Attention of 50% to body and 50% to mind. Gradually go to 100% mind. Use the step as an anchor, begin by putting your attention at the heel of the foot, when mental activity appears turn your attention to the mind for as long as it takes. Deal with it until it clears, then return to your paying attention to your walking, until something appears in the mind again. Then turn your attention to the mind, observe the mind.

5. Речь.
Speak with awareness, listen with awareness. As soon as you are approached by people alert yourself to be mindful with talking, without getting emotionally involved. Watch out when the other person stops talking and it’s your turn to speak.

Speak slowly and short so that the other person slows down too. Speak mindfully and to the point. Don’t over speak and get carried away.

When you need to speak have awareness when you finish speaking still have awareness. Before, you speak, during and after!

The moment you start liking this or disliking that, the mind gets carried away. Every phrase you say look at the mind over and over again and check for right speech and mindfulness. The mind has to try to be aware of itself.

6. Еда.
With eating remember three things always: sensations, taste, mind states. You can include movements as well as intentions as you go on. When you get very relaxed even eating is very calming.

It is more important to note, than it is to eat. Watch the eye scanning the food table, watch the opening and closing of the mouth as food enters it. While eating, watch flavour, pay attention to yourself, don’t go outside yourself.

When your mindfulness is lacking you tend to eat too fast! On the other hand when you are mindful it seems that it takes so much energy just to eat! Because you are so calm! It’s exhausting! And being aware of all your sensations, makes it feel so painful!

7. Сон.
Go to sleep meditating. If you are mindful when you go to sleep you are not going to have dreams.

8. Отсутствие ожиданий.
In practising this meditation do not expect anything to happen. Especially for those of you who have been meditating for quite a while and who have had good experiences before; whenever they meditate again they always want to get to that state as quickly as possible. They expect that: ‘I have been into that peaceful state before. Now I am going to sit and get there as quickly as possible’. The harder we try the harder it becomes. So don’t try, don’t expect.

Последний раз редактировалось: Юрий (Пн Дек 31, 2012 11:16 am), всего редактировалось 8 раз(а)


Сообщения : 323
Дата регистрации : 2012-08-18


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Cittanupassana - буддийский метод "созерцания ума" Empty Помехи в практике

Сообщение  Юрий Сб Дек 15, 2012 7:06 pm

1. Сильная эмоция. Если она возникает, то надо прекратить текущие дела и уделить ей 100% внимания. Если нужно, сесть в кресло и потратить на это столько времени, сколько потребуется.
If some powerful, overwhelming mental state appears, stop and deal with it. Sit down on a chair if you have to, giving it 100% of your attention for as long as it takes to deal with it.
2. Злость. Кроме обычного для этого метода переноса внимания на чувство, рекомендуется анализ истоков возникновения этого чувства. При этом важно не осуждать само чувство, принять его. Если мы желаем, чтобы чувство злости исчезло, - значит мы его не принимаем. Тоже относится к любой эмоции и любому чувству.
When you are dealing with anger, look straight into it. Don’t want it to go away. If you have that attitude no matter how much you try it’s not going to go away. Sometimes people watch their anger and expect it to disappear immediately.Don’t expect that. Do not expect all sorts of pains and problems to disappear quickly. Even when you take medicine pains do not go away instantly.

Also bring wisdom: think if the other person is actually aware of making you angry or may be he has a reason to behave the way he does.

You can see the anger arising, but can you see the cause of that anger? Can you see that it is Pride? It is because of that pride that this ‘how can you do or say that to me’ arises.
3. Сонливость
With good mindfullness look at it directly without getting involved. If mindfullness is weak look at the properties of sleepiness: dark, heavy, foggy and so on.
4. Беспокойство - переключите внимание на ощущение тела и найдите напряжения. Напряжения вызывают беспокойство.
Return to watching the rising-falling of the stomach until your mind gets calm enough to overcome it. Check for tension in your body and mind. Tension is the mother of restlessness.

When you think it’s impossible for you to meditate because your mind is crazy - that is the most important time for you to meditate.
5. Чувственное желание.
Ask sensual desire: Why do you arise? Who are you? Forget suppression!

An experienced practitioner would check his mental attitude first and then check bodily sensations and would avoid looking at the mental image. Will drop the image immediately, and again and again if necessary. The difficulty one faces with the dropping of the image, shows the strength of the attachment.
6. Нравится/не нравится
The moment you start liking this or disliking that, the mind gets carried away. You must always note the liking and disliking mind because it is when the mind gets involved and it likes or dislikes, that mindfulness disappears. If you see a person that you don’t like, don’t look at that person, look at your mind. (Do not follow the dislike in your mind! Just watch it).

You don’t think, do I like this or do I not like this, but think should I do this or should I not do this. Watch out for that liking mind!


Сообщения : 323
Дата регистрации : 2012-08-18


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